Escape From Hell

Description: Escape from Hell is a classic MS-DOS PC Horror RPG that was created by Electronic Arts in 1990. You’ll play as an everyday average guy who was one day walking around on earth and then zapped into hell out of nowhere. Called in by the devil, the guy doesn’t even know if he is dead or not. You’ll have explore areas, fight demonic enemies and try to find a way out of hell.

How To Play Tips: Explore areas. Open and unlock doors and fight enemies. Enemy fights are similar to a turn-based RPG.

Controls: “Enter Key” = Start. “Arrow Keys” = Move. “Space Bar” = Make Slections / Open Doors.
(When In Battle… A Key= Attack, D Key = Defend, S Key = Status, H Key = Hide, R Key = Run.)

Playable Platforms: Play Escape From Hell online with Desktop PC, & Chromebook web browsers. [PC Google Chrome Browser Recommended].

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